Mr Ameeth Sanu HMT Sancta Maria Hospital Consultant

Mr Ameeth Sanu


Ear, Nose & Throat

Mr Ameeth Sanu is an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) consultant surgeon. He undertakes private consultations in HMT Sancta Maria Hospital on Wednesday mornings. He has extensive experience in managing all Ear, Nose and Throat conditions. He specialises in eustachian tube dysfunction, hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo/dizziness, middle ear and inner ear surgery, correction of surfer’s ear, re-shaping of ears, paediatric ear surgery, non-cancerous head & neck surgery, nasal surgery and thyroid surgery.

Mr Ameeth Sanu graduated in Medicine from Southern India in 2000. He joined the surgical training scheme in Wales in 2003. During his training, he conducted research in the field of nasal physiology at the Common Cold Centre in Cardiff. He was awarded MPhil for his research by the Cardiff University. He completed the higher surgical training in Ear, Nose and Throat surgery in Wales. During his training, he worked towards improving the quality of care in the NHS and enhancing patients experience.

Mr Ameeth Sanu was appointed as the ENT consultant in Swansea in 2014. He works at Morriston, Singleton, Neath Port Talbot and Sancta Maria Hospitals. He is the clinical director of head & neck surgery unit at Morriston Hospital. This role involves ensuring patient’s safety and to make sure that a high quality of care is provided to our patients. He is also passionate about training the younger generation of surgeons in Wales and is the lead faculty for training the ENT surgeons at Morriston Hospital. He is the president of the Welsh Endoscopic Otology Society which takes him around the world teaching and learning new techniques of endoscopic ear surgery (minimally invasive key hole technique of ear surgery). This is a new technique of middle ear and inner ear micro-surgery done through the ear canal without the need for a big cut outside the ear.

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